LeAne Suarez, team leader of the LeAneSUAREZGroup has long been a committed member of her community participating in a variety of causes and organizations. Now, after Hurricane Ian, that commitment to the community is more important than ever. LeAne recently attended the BIG ARTS non-profit expo in March where she was able to connect with the organizations she has been involved with over the years, and to help raise awareness for the groups needing support during this time. There is a multitude of volunteer opportunities available for those looking to help our impacted areas. Here LeAne is pictured with organizers from the Captiva Island Historical Society, Captiva Civic Association, and Community Housing and Resources

Sewer Line Smoke Testing in Sanibel Neighborhoods – March 3-7, 2025
The City of Sanibel Public Works Utility Division, in collaboration with its contractor, will conduct sewer line smoke testing in neighborhoods across the island from