Island Update Real Estate News

Hurricane Season Preparation Tips

The 2021 hurricane season is here. Readiness implies something beyond making a fiasco pack and evaluating your family’s disater plan, albeit these are basic initial steps.

There’s significantly more you can do to secure your home and family before a hurricane hits. You can limit expected damage from flooding and high breezes by being ready.

Plan in advance

  • Document items and contents in your home in photos.
  • Put together your disaster kit. This includes, but is not limited to: shelf stable foods, water, flashlights, battery-powered radios, batteries, medical, accessibility and pet supplies, cash, and first-aid supplies. If you wait until the last minute, you may encounter diminished or depleted supplies, crowds, and increased traffic on our roads.
  • Buy a National Flood Insurance Policy from your insurance company. Standard homeowner’s insurance policies do not cover flood damage. See msc.fema.gov/portal to know the flood risk in your area and see floodsmart.gov for information about risk and rates.
  • Download the FEMA app at fema.gov/mobile-app. The app provides disaster resources, safety tips, maps of open shelters, and weather alerts from the National Weather Service. Go to Ready.gov for more details.

Trees with trunks larger than six inches in diameter should be far enough away from your house that they cannot fall on it. Remove branches that loom over utility wires. Professional regular pruning done can create a sturdy, well-spaced framework of tree branches with an open canopy that allows wind to flow freely through.

During a hurricane watch

Obtain severe weather information from NOAA website www.noaa.gov it provides real time data.

  • Keep an eye on phone alerts, stay tuned to TV or radio weather reports
  • Activate your disaster plan, go through your disaster kit. Make sure you have enough stock of essential items such as food/water, flashlights, battery-powered radios, batteries, medical, accessibility and pet supplies, cash and first-aid supplies.
  • Place your important documents such as as driver’s licenses, social security cards, passports, birth certificates, vehicle registration cards and insurance policies in a waterproof, portable container.
  • Know what you and your family will do if there is an evacuation order.

During a hurricane warning

  • Keep an eye on phone alerts and regular weather reports
  • Fill vehicle with gas
  • Keep your mobile devises fully charged
  • Disconnect electrical appliances
  • Bring your pets inside
  • Bring any loose items such as trash cans, yard furniture, bbq grills, items on your docks etc inside.
  • If you evacuate, turn off gas and electricity at the main switch or valve.

For additional information on hurricanes, visit ready.gov/hurricanes; for details on floods, visit ready.gov/floods. For more information on recovery, visit FEMA.gov, or follow @FEMARegion4 on Twitter and FEMA’s Facebook page.

Island Update

Captiva Beach-Nourishment Project Timeline 2021

Captiva ISLAND Beach Brief

Great Lakes Dredge and Dock (GLDD) has provided CEPD with both a best-case, and a worst case scenario for the Captiva Beach-Nourishment Project Timeline. The worst-case scenario accounts for unplanned delays such as storms or other inclement weather, equipment issues, or other unforeseen challenges. Below are two timelines for the project, which have been provided to CEPD by the contractor. CEPD anticipates hosting a Town Hall via zoom and in person for late July with the Project Manager from GLDD. This meeting will allow residents and members of the public to ask questions prior to the start of the project.

Project timeline

Best case scenario

  • Dredging and Beachfill South ½ of Island – August 5th to 18th August
  • Dredging and Beachfill North ½ of Island – August 18th to 6th September
  • Demobilization – September 6th to 18th September

Worst case scenario

  • Dredging and Beachfill South ½ of Island – August 5th to August 30th
  • Dredging and Beachfill North ½ of Island – August 30th to September 24th
  • Demobilization – September 24th to October 6th
Captiva Sunset
Captiva Island Beaches are famous for its Majestic Sunsets

During the Captiva Erosion Prevention District board meeting on June 7th, 2021, staff received direction from commissioners to prepare the Benefits Based Model of the beach nourishment apportionment and set the public hearing date for tentative apportionment as June 28th, 2021, at 5:01PM. The Benefits Based Model has a section for storm protection benefits applied to all gulf front properties as derived from the analysis performed by the coastal engineers at APTIM. It also separates the recreational benefits associated to each of the properties on Captiva Island into commercial, residential, and homesteaded residential properties based upon the study done by economist Dr. Stronge, commissioned by the CEPD.

This model attributes the highest millage rate to the commercial properties, followed by the residential non-homesteaded properties, and offers a 42.1% discount to the homesteaded properties. CEPD will be sending out letters to property owners explaining the apportionment by June 17th and will be placing an advertisement in the paper for the Tentative Apportionment Hearing on June 28 at 5:01 p.m. where all residents and property owners will have the opportunity for their concerns to be heard.

Click here to read the entire article

Island Update

Captiva Island Beach Re-nourishment May 2021 Update

Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corp. announced the receipt of several major dredging awards totaling $112.8 million including the $15.6 million Captiva Island Beach Renourishment Project. The Captiva Island Beach Renourishment Project involves placement of sand to improve and support five miles of sea shore along Captiva Island. This project will help protect and reinforce the island’s shoreline. Great Lakes worked on renourishment of the beach in 2013. the Captiva Erosion Prevention District and is privately funded for this project. Work is likely to commence in the third quarter with anticipated completion in October of 2021.

Source: workboat.com

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HomeLook Magazine June 2021

HomeLook Magazine June 2021 Edition

Browse through our collection of feature Sanibe, Captiva, & SWFL properties for sale. Featured Residential, Condo and Vacant lot listed for sale. Homelook Magazine demonstrate our portfolio of active MLS listing.

HomeLook June 2021

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